Fightstrong Foundation 3rd annual golf outing

Longest Drive Sponsor

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Drive your brand forward with the Longest Drive Sponsorship at $1,000. This package offers a unique combination, featuring your company's logo on a headcover that comes with the putter for the winner, an 18x24 sign, and golfer engagement.

Key Features:

  • Headcover with Logo: Elevate your brand's visibility by showcasing your logo on a headcover accompanying the putter for the Longest Drive winner. This exclusive placement ensures that your brand receives prominent exposure during a key event segment, enhancing recognition and leaving a lasting impression.
  • Strategic Signage: Enhance your brand's visibility with an 18x24 sign strategically positioned at a high-traffic location. This signage not only increases brand visibility but also ensures that your message reaches a targeted audience, maximizing impact and engagement.
  • Golfer Engagement: Connect directly with golfers to create meaningful brand interactions and foster lasting relationships. Engaging with participants offers a unique opportunity to showcase your brand's offerings, gather feedback, and strengthen your presence within the golfing community.
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